Les Schlais – How To Pack Light

As a regular traveler, Les Schlais has to ensure that he packs appropriately for every destination that he heads to. In some cases, this means packing lighter than he might have wanted to. This is a common problem that is often faced by people who are traveling on budgets, so try to keep these pointers in mind to ensure you pack light, while still having everything you need.

Make A Checklist
If you have restrictions on your packing the first thing you should do is create a checklist of all of the things you think you will need at your destination. With that in place you can start pruning the items that may not be essential. For example, toiletries can often be purchased at the destination and most hotels will offer the basics, like soap and shampoo.

Fold and Roll
How you pack your clothing can make a big difference in terms of how much you can fit in your suitcase. If you just throw clothes into the bag you use up space that could have been used for other things. Fold all of our clothes neatly and then roll them, as this allows them to fit together better, resulting in my space in your suitcase.

Wear Heavy Clothing
Heavier items of clothes, such as boots, coats and sweaters, should be worn during the journey so they don’t take up valuable space, or add more weight, to your suitcase. This may be a little uncomfortable, but remember that you can always take a coat or sweater off during the journey.

Les Schlais is an entrepreneur and experienced traveler.

Les Schlais – Useful Money Management Advice

Les Schlais and John Kim formed Syncis with the aim of providing financial services to middle-income families and individuals. The company recruits Associates who role is to provide information to clients and help them achieve their long-term financial aims. For many, this means learning how to manage their money more effectively. These handy pointers will help anybody with this aim.

Ditch The Debit Card

While your debit cards may offer enormous convenience thanks to the prevalence of chip and pin machines and the rise of contactless payments, they also open to door to impulse purchases that result in you losing track of your finances. Consider withdrawing the money you know you will need for purchase before you head out, so you are not tempted to buy things you don’t need.

Set Goals

If you know what you want to do with your money you will have more drive to cut down on your spending. Create achievable goals with milestones attached to them and consider how you need to work within your budget to achieve them. Your goals will provide you with the tools you need to override the impulse to spend on things you don’t require, which will help you manage your money better.

Get Help

The role of Les Schlais and the Associates at Syncis is to provide information to people who are looking to make smart financial decisions. There is no shame in seeking help from qualified professionals who will be able to provide you with information on how to manage your budget and what you should do to ensure you have the money you need to reach your goals.